What is Feminism?

Women of the world are resisting, but what does this mean for the future of females and males alike?

Carley Spading, Reporter

When one hears the word ‘feminist’ it can conjure up any number of different images, some simple and idealistic, some radical and culture-altering. Liberty High is home to a wide array of political ideologies and positions on the concept of feminism. Feminism is a political ideology shrouded in controversy, and it means different things to different people. To some, it simply means the push for equality of the sexes. For others, it could allude to the fall of the male gender.

Gender issues have become increasingly prominent in recent years, as well as drastically more divisive. Political scandals and continued discussion about gender equality in the workplace have given a whole new relevance to the topic, and the “Me Too” movement has garnered a variety of reactions, as well.

“I think feminism has gotten such a bad rap, that women hate men or women are better than men or whatever, that people just don’t want to be associated with it,” said Amanda Young, senior. “[Feminism] is the equality between men and women and everyone in between; it’s just equal treatment between the sexes.”

As with many political ideas, there are differing interpretations of its content, as well as different ways of construing its implications.

“I think that feminism is the empowerment of women, but then I also don’t think that it should be for women to put down men,” said an anonymous student, “Then you’re just creating the same problems with the roles reversed.” Feminism comes with the inference that there are still prevalent issues with gender equality, which raises the first roadblock to those who have not observed it in society.

The feminist movement is large and mostly benign, but it has sparked old arguments and challenged many traditional ways of thinking. Some understand it as an angry misandrist uprising, as opposed to simply the push for equality.