Making Ham on the Gram

Madison Nesham, sophomore, has developed her own business and it has taken off to Liberty students across the Instagram platform.

Making Ham on the Gram

Tessa Miller, Social Media Chair

500 million people use Instagram every day. Scrolling through posts, stories, keeping up with the latest trends and polls, following their favorite celebrities, and posting about daily life consumes our time on an app downloaded by many.  According to Instagram statistics from blog Hootsuite, 60% of all Instagram users discover new products through Instagram.

If the leading site for market advertisement is on social media, why not post your products on a platform that many people will see? Madi Nesham, sophomore, has done just this. Launching her own thrift store exclusively on Instagram, Nesham sells to her peers at Liberty with hopes to expand in the future.

“It’s an online thrift store where I go out to thrift stores and find the clothes that are really cute and also the clothes that are necessities like basic clothes, and then post them on my website for a really cheap price for my buyers,” said Nesham.

The idea for an online thrift store sparked interest from a business class Nesham took first trimester of her sophomore year. Working on a project for Zach Hammes in business class, she developed the idea into her own site a couple months later.

People are encouraged to click and scroll through clothing options, hopefully find something that seems appealing, and direct message her for forms of payment.

“I accept cash if the person wants to pick it up, but I also accept venmo or cash app,” said Nesham.

The item purchased can be picked up at school from Nesham or can be shipped to your door with an additional fee. Each buyer is personally thanked by Madi and is encouraged to post about their purchase.  

Her business is taking off and she believes she is doing pretty well.

“Yeah I think I’m doing really [well]. I am making around 200 dollars a week,” said Nesham.

The purchases she makes are directed towards her buyers, mainly name brand t-shirts and jackets that are usually vintage. Some of her items include Nike, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, and American Eagle.

She shops locally and cheap, making sure the clothes are in good quality and good condition. Each item is listed with its condition, alerting the buyers exactly what they are purchasing.

The stores she shops from include, “Mainly goodwill. But also places like Stuff Etc. or thrift stores in Iowa city that I go to sometimes,” said Nesham.

With her upcoming store and growing success, Nesham hopes to pursue a career in business someday.

“Eventually I want to turn into a physical store location and make my own website,” said Nesham.

Follow Madison Nesham’s Instagram thrift store and support her journey!