If the Teacher Shows up 15-minutes Late, Can You Leave?

Abby Fowler, Copy Editor

The 15-minute rule is a widespread rumor stating that if a teacher is 15 minutes late to class, students are allowed to leave with no repercussions.

Though it’s specific origins are unknown, this so-called rule most likely stemmed from the terminology of college students. In a university setting with extended time between classes, more variables are able to delay a professor’s arrival time. However, that is not the case for high school.

There is nothing in the Liberty Student Handbook that debunks this so-called rule. However, according to Vice Principal Justin Colbert, it still “does not apply to Liberty High students.”

Colbert also clarified which situations would lead to a tardy teacher.

“Most likely it’s a sub who doesn’t know the location of that classroom and [is] wandering the building trying to find it,” said Colbert.

Although students are not allowed to abandon class, action should be taken if a teacher is exceedingly late.

“If [students are] sitting in there and a teacher never shows up, [students] should just go to the classroom next to them and that way they can call the office and figure out what’s going on,” said Colbert.

While the front office is being contacted, there are multiple things students can do to utilize that extra time. Firstly, students should follow any instructions their teacher may have for them on the board. Then, students may want to start homework, study for an upcoming class, reply to a few texts, or just talk to friends.

Though it’s unclear whether or not anyone believes this rule is real, we can firmly conclude that the 15-minute rule does not apply to Liberty High students.