The Liberty Art Department
The Liberty Art Department has many valuable factors that many people overlook that make Liberty what it is today.
The science mural that shows many elements of things studied in the science classes offered at Liberty.
Liberty High School features 16 art classes, including photography, digital art, ceramics, and jewelry making. Hundreds of students sign up for these classes each year, creating beautiful pieces of art that can be found on display throughout the school.
Located in the D Hall, the two classrooms are full of creative minds and flowing imaginations. Each student takes the prompts the teachers assign into consideration, making each piece unique and inspiring. These final projects are shown in trophy cases, on walls, and on cork boards, enticing students and teachers around the school.
The art classes offered at Liberty are flexible, as the curriculum allows teachers to expand through different mediums and projects. This allows many students to retake the same art classes and always find something new to create.
Jennifer Saylor, one of the two art teachers at Liberty, finds this unrestricted curriculum inviting, as it lets many students express themselves in new ways.
“The thing that I love the most is that I can always switch it up. I never stick to the same assignments, and so, for me, that makes it fun because I’m always thinking about how to make a good assignment [and] how to get [students] inspired… It’s always changing,” said Saylor.
The Liberty Art Department delves deeper than just flexible classes that students can take more than once. Around the school, murals can be found on the walls, thanks to the Art Department.
“There are several small student groups working on murals around the school. These murals are student-led and often work in collaboration with a department or a group of teachers. These students are extremely talented and are doing a great job,” said Margaret Yocius, the second art teacher found at Liberty.
One mural is found outside of Andria Savage’s orchestra room, depicting bright colors and translations of the words, “music for all.” Another mural can be found outside of the art room, with abstract shapes, colors, animals, and plants. The third and final mural is outside of Sasha Murphy’s science room, showing the Earth, periodic table, space, and other elements discussed in the science classes Liberty offers.
These three murals were created in the past year, and many more are yet to come.
“There’s a big mural that’s planned for outside the library, it’s kind of a combination of English and library interests. It’s sort of like, from the dark ages to the light ages… There’s [also going to be] a counselors’ mural, too,” explained Saylor.
Besides murals, other projects that the Liberty Art Club has been creating include glass mosaics that pair with the Bolts Matrix.
“Art Club is working on a series of large-scale glass mosaics that pair a native Iowa Prairie Plant with the Bolts Matrix. ‘Belonging’ is complete and currently in the Counseling Office until other mosaics are finished. Once all five mosaics are complete, they will be permanently installed in the school,” said Yocius.
These projects fill the school with colors and life, giving Liberty a unique character for every student that enters.
While the Art Department creates a safe space, it also opens up many avenues. It allows Liberty students to express, create, and problem-solve, while also bringing exposure and challenge.
“Exposing students to all types of materials and art-making processes is extremely valuable. Students are able to work with their hands, create a physical object that they imagined, express themselves, view the world in a different way, and build skills that are translated to other academic areas,” expressed Yocius.
While the Art Department is underfunded, it harbors so much imagination, future, and potential. It brings life, uniqueness, and character to the halls and classrooms of Liberty.

Addison is a senior at Liberty this year, and her third and final year on the Liberty Live Wire staff. She enjoys reading, writing, crafting jewelry, being...