IN SHOC, Interact Students Helping Our Community, is a Liberty club created in 2017. English teachers, Zachary Lively (he/him) and Mary Binzley (she/her), are the club advisors. They work together to ensure things run smoothly.
IN SHOC is associated with an organization called RYLA, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Their goal is to provide leadership and volunteer opportunities for students across many countries including the United States, England, Sweden and more.
Bingo Night
Bi-monthly, students can sign up for bingo night. They can participate in the game or call out numbers. Bingo night is very popular in the IN SHOC community, as it is a fun way to socialize and win prizes. All 10 sign-up slots fill within minutes.
Liberty students get to play the game and learn the residents’ life stories.
“Students get the opportunity to make connections with senior residents. They get a chance to connect with younger people in the community who they would connect with,” explained Binzley.
Learning about past accomplishments and connections throughout the community is eye-opening for students. Some stories come back to family and grandchildren they may have at the school.
Kendall Burvee (she/her), 11, was not initially aware of bingo and trivia nights at Keystone. She found out about it through peers and has been attending since.
“I really enjoy being able to spend time with my grandpa while doing activities that he enjoys. It’s a great time for us both,” states Burvee.
Students get the chance to rekindle relationships, make connections stronger between families and help the community bond between age gaps.
Trivia Night
Trivia night is another bi-monthly event that IN SHOC hosts. Students have the opportunity to create trivia questions, as well as play a few rounds of trivia.
The attendance of trivia night is slightly less popular than bingo night. Typically it is more frustrating for the Keystone residents if the questions get too challenging, while other residents say it is a great way to keep their minds growing.
The prizes for trivia night go by whichever team/table group has the most correct answers by the end of all trivia categories. Prizes include: coloring books, word searches, festive decor, accessories, treats and health care items.
To wrap up the end of the monthly event, students and residents enjoy a nice treat if requested. The menu usually consists of angel cakes or cookies. Students supply the food and get the responsibility of taking orders from their table groups to end the night. Usually, this time is when the students get the most bonding time with their table.
IN SHOC provides students with a way to get involved in their community. Students interested in joining IN SHOC can contact Mr. Lively at [email protected], and Mrs. Binzley at [email protected].