Liberty Girls’ soccer

The Live Wire discusses the girls’ start to the 2021 soccer season.

Quincy Lohman, Copy Editor

“I was heartbroken [when the season got canceled]. I remember waking up and hearing the news and my heart sunk. It was one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt in my entire life,” said Oksana Sharp, senior.

After finishing the 2018-19 season 7-11, the girls’ also had their 2019-20 season canceled due to COVID

Ashley Bonilla, junior expressed something similar: “I was devastated when I heard our soccer season was going to be canceled. The team had just started to form bonds with one another, and we were looking forward to playing with each other one last time before the senior class of 2020 graduated.”

After the first week or two of practices, the girls seem really excited to get the season rolling.

In practices and preparation before the first game of the season, the girls make sure to follow all safety precautions to try and keep everyone safe and healthy.

“We all check up on each other and make sure we are all doing what we are supposed to: masks, social distancing, and whatever else we need to do,” explained Sharp.  “It’s important that we keep each other and others around us safe. Especially if we want to get through our season.“

We definitely would take action right away [If someone was to get COVID). Keeping each other safe is important. Knowing who was where and who to quarantine so others can play is important too. we don’t want to take anyone out of a season,” said Sharp.

The girls played their first match of the season against Mid-Prairie. Dominating 6-1 according to Varsity Bound. They will play 16 games over this season.

Instead of one main team captain, the girls seem to have the team mindset.

I honestly think that everyone is to watch this season. We have some hidden gems on the team too… Everyone does have their time to shine through. I think it’s important to distribute the attention between others as well,” said Sharp. 

However, one player that stood out in the girls’ first game was Grace Heddens, junior. Heddens lead both teams is scoring three goals in the first half of the game. 

“I was excited to play Mid-Prairie for our season opener,” said Gracie Gingerich, senior. “They were a good competition for us.”

Their next match is against Central Dewitt on April 9th. The match is at home and starts at 4:15. It will definitely be a good one.

“I’m most looking forward to playing West. Two years ago we lost a tough game to West. There was a storm so we had to postpone the rest of the game because of the severe weather. We ended up losing, but I’m looking forward to playing them again this year,” said Gingerich.

The girls have a lot of potential for this season, which can lead to some high goals to achieve.

“As a team, we just want to win,” said Sharp.  “We all want to grow together and be the best that we can be! We also really really really want to make it to state sometime soon!”

“We’re working hard to make sure that we are staying positive even when the training and the mental side of soccer seems challenging,” said Bonilla. “By coming to practice with a good attitude and mentality and bringing that to our games as well. Building chemistry and encouraging one another is going to help us throughout the season as well.

Leading up to the season, the girls want to see as many fans as possible in attendance to support girls’ soccer.

“Liberty is just starting off; as the season and team progress the better, we’ll get. It’s worth coming to watch,” said Bonilla.