Liberty to host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic
On Friday, May 7, students will have the opportunity to get the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine without having to leave Liberty.
On Friday, May 7, Liberty will host a Covid-19 vaccine clinic. This event will take place from 12 PM to 7 PM in the Liberty band room (Room D006). Any current ICCSD student aged 16 and over is eligible for the vaccine.
The vaccine being administered will be Pfizer by Towncrest Pharmacy, and the second dose will be on May 28.
“The COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary. I would encourage students and their families to educate themselves so they can make an informed decision that is right for them. Similar to other medical procedures, deciding whether or not to get the vaccine is a personal decision,” Justin Colbert, Liberty’s principal, shared. “Personally, I did decide to get the COVID-19 vaccine because the CDC has shared that the vaccine is safe and effective at keeping people from getting sick. Having the vaccine also allows me the opportunity to gather with family and friends outside my household without having to wear a mask if they also have had the vaccine.”
To sign up for the vaccine, students must fill out this link. Attached to the sign up link is a vaccine consent form that must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian. Students will bring this form with them to get the vaccine and cannot receive the vaccine without it.
Liberty staff are still working through the logistics for students who elect to get the vaccine.
“Ideally, students will sign up during their study hall, however if they sign-up during one of their other classes they would be expected to make up any work that they may have missed,” Colbert explained. “I would encourage them to check with their teacher to see what they will be missing during that particular class. However, the absence will be excused.”
To read the article in Spanish, click this link.

Lauren De Young, senior, is on the staff for the third year. At Liberty, she is involved in INSHOC, NHS, and journalism. Lauren loves volunteering, recently...