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Coffee & Conspiracies: OJ Simpson
This episode of Coffee & Conspiracies covers the case of OJ Simpson. The story of former football star, turned murder suspect, is one of America’s most well-known cases. Since 1994, people have debated the details of this case. Even today Simpson’s name sparks immense controversy and conversation.
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About the Contributors

Rylee Newland, Multimedia Manager
Rylee is a senior at Liberty. This is her second year on the journalism staff. She is involved in Best Buddies and NHS here at Liberty. Outside of school, Rylee enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, and listening to music.

Ellie Martinez, Multimedia Manager, Social Media Manager
Ellie is a senior at Liberty. This is her second year on the Journalism staff. At Liberty, she is involved in the Liberty Dance Team, National Honor Society, and Best Buddies. Outside of school, Ellie enjoys listening to music, hanging out with friends, and eating Sour Patch watermelons!