Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a club at Liberty that celebrates Christianity through extracurricular sports and activities.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a club at Liberty where athletes or anyone can go to build their relationship with God, talk about God and his impacts, and play games. FCA’s mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus. FCA is a great way for athletes who may be too busy over the weekends competing or practicing to get their time with God and to talk about him with other people who have the same beliefs and goals of growing their relationship with Him.
Leaders of FCA at Liberty have big goals for the club and the way they want it to continue to carry once they leave.
“I hope to see FCA get even bigger and stronger when my class of leaders leave. I want to see God grow it beyond our wildest dreams and just impact others for His Kingdom,” said Alec Boldt, senior and one of the leaders of FCA.
FCA is a place for athletes/students to go to just learn more about God and build bonds with other people that go to the club consecutively as well.
“My favorite part of FCA is the community it builds. It is awesome to bring Christianity into public school and having a group of believers gathering together and relating and praying together is really uplifting,” said Carly Sulwer, sophomore.
FCA will not only give the people that attend a stronger relationship with God, but it can also give them numerous opportunities and ways to become more involved with God and the community.
“Besides helping me grow in my faith a ton, FCA has given me two cool opportunities to go on leadership camps in the summer,” said Boldt.

Sophomore Ava Fort playing a game with a group at a morning meeting in the Study Hall room.
The vision of FCA is to see the world transformed by Jesus through the influence of coaches and athletes. That is what the students at Liberty are trying to do through the club. FCA at Liberty creates an environment for students to talk about God with no judgment.
“You can talk about god in school and you do not have to be afraid,” Brody Fishman, junior.
FCA at Liberty meets every Tuesday morning, beginning at 8:00 a.m. The people that attend will begin with playing games and hanging out, then get into big groups and read passages from “The Bible” app. The groups talk about the passage that they read and break it down and find what God was trying to tell them through the passage.

Ava Fort, sophomore at Liberty, is a first year staff member. She runs on the Liberty track team and plays on the Liberty softball team and enjoys hanging...