The Bolt Yearbook Wins 24 IHSPA Awards
The Bolt Yearbook Wins 24 IHSPA Awards
The Bolt Yearbook Wins 24 IHSPA Awards
The Bolt Yearbook staff won a total of 24 awards at the IHSPA conference for their work on the 2021 “Six Feet Together” yearbook. In addition to all of the individual awards, the book also placed 3rd in the state in Class B. Webster City and Hoover
High were the only two schools that placed above the Liberty Bolt.
There are three classes school submissions are sorted into for the contest. These classes are similar to schools being categorized by 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, or 5A for athletics. The classes are sorted according to the student population within the school.
The theme of the 2021 yearbook focused on how the Liberty community came together during the pandemic. This book was especially difficult to complete as the staff had to battle adversity at every turn. To start the year, the Bolt staff started online with the rest of the school. Taking pictures of school events wasn’t possible when there weren’t events being held. The staff had to get creative with what they were able to cover.
Additionally, the Bolt staff was only made up of eight students last year, one of which wasn’t in the class and was simply volunteering her time.
This year’s yearbook staff is made up of 23 students and the book size has increased from 204 pages to 256. If you haven’t yet purchased your yearbook for the 2022 school year, you can do so HERE at Jostens.
First Place Awards:
- Sports Action Photo: Zack Anderson
- Environmental Photo “Making Dough”: Chante Hardaway
- Flying Through Freshman Year Mugs: Olivia Davenport
- Story/Student Life Out of School-Related “Thrifted Brand” Feature: Olivia Davenport
Second Place Awards:
- Mugs Division: Hayley Allen, Olivia Davenport, Lauren Maras
- Feature Photos/student life out of school-related: Lauren Maras’ spread, Dani Peterson’s photo
- Senior mugs with features: Zack Anderson, Hayley Allen
Third Place Awards:
- Design/summer-December events “A Home Field Advantage”: Zack Anderson
- Sports Feature Photo “Just Kickin It”: Libby Allen’s, spread, Lauren Maras’ photo
- Design/mugs, Junior Mugs with Feature: Lauren Maras
- Story/student life out of school-related, “Malia Taylor Photography”: Olivia Davenport
- Advertising, Ad spread 4: Hayley Allen
Honorable Mention:
- Cover “6-feet together”: Hayley Allen, Zack Anderson, Lauren Maras, Olivia Davenport, Katie Tippet
- Feature Photos/student life school-related “Constructing Business”: Zack Anderson
- Design/summer-December events “Back to School but not to Normal”: Zack Anderson
- Design/opening-closing or division spread “Table on Contents”: Hayley Allen
- Feature Photo/student life out of school-related “We are Liberty”: Lauren Maras
- Feature photos/ student life out of school-related“Conquering the COVID Boredom”: Dani Peterson
- Total Package “What I took for Granted”: Hayley Allen
- Design/mugs “Staff mugs with features”: Hayley Allen
- Sports Action Photo “Boys Tennis”: Lauren Maras’ spread, Olivia Davenport’s photo